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Size: This Cactus is about 25 cm long, the size may differ because it is a natural product.
The cactus naturally contains mescaline.

The San Pedro cactus is originally from Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru (mainly the Andean region). This cactus is known for its rapid growth. The San Pedro cactus is often used for shamanic, religious and spiritual applications.

The San Pedro Peruvian Torch is a lesser known species of cactus. That said, this species can grow to one of the largest and strongest mescaline Cacti among the San Pedro family.
The Peruvian Torch has thick, strong green to blue-green spines, so be careful with this!!

General information:
San Pedro is a beautiful cactus full of wisdom. It helps you to get back to the core. Be in complete harmony with the universe. Find inner peace and discover how to overcome personal blockages. You come into contact with yourself and find your place on earth. With the help of San Pedro you open the search for the ultimate meaning of life.

Use of:
• Use Mescaline-containing cacti only in a safe and familiar environment
• When using the cactus, always provide a trip sitter!
• The active substances in the cacti work best on an empty stomach.
• When the cacti are used, nausea may occur.
• The cacti can also be taken in the form of tea.
• About 1 to 2 hours after ingestion, the trip reaches its peak, after 8 to 15 hours it is worked out.
• Use the cactus only with good mental and physical health. Avoid the product in case of depression, high or low blood pressure, heart and/or lung problems, diabetes or pregnancy.
• Do not use in combination with alcohol, medicines and/or other drugs.
• Do not use in pregnancy and lactation.
• Participation in traffic is not allowed.
• Do not use under 18.
• Make sure you do not put the cactus in full sun.
Sit back, relax and enjoy this unique experience!

San Pedro Cutting Peruvianus - 25 - 29 cm

SKU: 0021
31,95 €Price
  • The effect:
    The active substance in San Pedro is Mescaline. About 1-2 hours after ingestion, the first effects will occur. You can then count on these effects to last between 8 and 15 hours. A common effect is having enormously sharpened senses that will make you hear, feel and perceive much more. There can also be an extreme light sensitivity that allows you to see and feel light rays. It is also possible to observe auras and see people or objects shine. A divine glow acts like a heavenly filter. Emotions and feelings can also be greatly enhanced and can easily find a way out. Think of pleasure, laughter, screaming, fear and a lot of love for everything that lives and does not live.

    If you compare the effects of San Pedro with those of Peyote (another very popular mescaline-containing cactus), these are experienced as more pleasant. The taste of the San Pedro is already less dirty and bitter in advance, which will cause nausea to occur less quickly. The psychotropic experience is not as overwhelming as Peyote. Where Peyote sometimes enters very intensely, the San Pedro is calmer and less physical.

    Operation :
    Huachuma, as San Pedro is also called, has a different effect than Ayahuasca despite some similarities. Ayahuasca mainly helps with retrieving the soul. You enter on an educational journey with the aim of healing yourself. The experience can be confrontational. Huachuma is taking you outside. You will learn during this enlightening journey of the universe. Become one with the world around you and find your place. All in complete harmony.

    The San Pedro cactus contains the psychoactive substance Mescaline. Mescaline is a hallucinogen that has a conscious changing effect. The substance can also induce intense hallucinations. Therefore, be wise with the cactus. When consuming, consider violent effects and make sure you are mentally well prepared. Keep the product out of the reach of children at all times!

    Distribution: Medicine4soulNetherlands.


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